That should surface the current simulator faster for copying.
If the device is already running, you can save yourself some time by passing a search argument: # Show only running simulators Find the ID from the output by iOS version and device specs and copy the ID.
From anywhere on your system, run xcrun simctl list devices. The following command require Xcode command-line tools, which you probably already have installed if you are running Xcode. Look for “Identifier:” in the main panel and copy the value. Note: Make sure you match the device specs and iOS version. In the left menu of the new window, select the “Simulators” tab. You can use the shortcut shift+ command+ 2. In the top menu, select “Window” > “Devices and Simulators”. There are two ways to find that, one using the Xcode UI and another using the terminal. In order to browse a specific simulator’s files, you need to know its ID. Each of these corresponds to a simulator device which contains all of the data for that instance. If you look around in this directory, you will probably see a number of subdirectories with UUIDs. To do that, navigate to to the following directory: cd /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator When running a device simulator on macOS, it is possible to navigate that system’s directly through the command line (or Finder, if you’d prefer).