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I also ask him to talk to me as he's working.I like knowing what's going on in his head. He puts up with me observing and shooting over his shoulder. I have a wonderful technician at the shop I frequent, his name is Shannon.

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The welder wasn't at my shop today, so for now I went with inserting a new brass bushing. The fix worked for a few years, but as before, it's dropped down again and it's wearing out bushings like crazy. He put a weld and filled up the part that was walled out. Welding the walled section was the only true fix. We discussed a few options.actually there were no options. There he discovered the hole in peg where the pin was inserted was walled out. I finally took the bike to an Indie shop.

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Everything the guys did.didn't fix a darn thing. I worked for Glendale Harley Davidson as a service writer. Ever since 2005, I've had problems with my jiffy stand. My motorcycle has about 180K on it these days.

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