Sonia tells them that Linda was doing research on the diet of the northern flicker, a kind of woodpecker. Jane and Lisbon meet Sonia Kidd, Linda’s adviser. Rigsby tells Lisbon that Linda has been missing for a few weeks and people thought that she was out camping and doing research, but noticed her car was still on campus and realized that she was missing. She also tells him that there is a scientific instrument in the tank which could be the murder weapon. Later, Lisbon sends Rigsby the picture of the ring on the skeleton's finger, which he confirms matches one worn by Linda. The sight of the body causes Lisbon to faint. He takes them to meet another student named Greg, the one who found what he thinks is her body inside a tank full of flesh-eating insects used by the students to remove the flesh from specimens. Papadakis, the dean of the university and museum caretaker, arrives and tells them the victim, a graduate student named Linda, has been missing for some time. He tells her he knows she's been playing poker regularly.

She arrives at the crime scene, a natural history museum, to find Jane is already there. She has to leave the game early after receiving a message about a murder case that CBI has caught. The episode begins with Lisbon playing poker at the trattoria with Bertram, Judge Manchester and Aileen.

The team delves into the surprisingly cut-throat world of academics in a case involving a graduate student at a natural history museum.